Portfolio Construction - Introduction

In the complex process of portfolio management, Harvest Portfolio Management has woven a rich history of more than 35 years, drawing inspiration from the fiduciary principles of yesteryear. During the Middle Ages in England, the stewardship of the church played a pivotal role in safeguarding the financial health of the noble class, emphasizing preservation and growth in parallel — a practice we hold dear in our portfolio construction approach today.

Initial Overview

Our journey begins with a holistic analysis of your current holdings and the governing documents that dictate your financial pathway. This stage is akin to understanding the lay of the land before sowing the seeds for a fruitful harvest. We delve into the details of your financial aspirations to build a foundation grounded in your unique circumstances and objectives.

Risk Assessment

Just as the stewards of the past would cautiously manage the estates entrusted to them, we consider your risk tolerance seriously. We navigate the fine balance between risk and reward, ensuring your portfolio aligns harmoniously with your comfort level, facilitating a journey of financial growth that is both prosperous and secure.

Time Horizon

Our portfolio construction process takes into account the ebbs and flows of life’s journey. It encompasses significant milestones such as tuition payments, retirement needs, gifts, and philanthropy, envisioning a financial roadmap that mirrors your life’s phases and cherished objectives. This practice is akin to ensuring the land nurtures various crops for diverse seasons, yielding a rich and varied harvest year after year.

Asset Allocation

With a timeline in place, we arrive at a juncture where we delineate the asset allocation. The essence is to foster a bountiful yield by distributing assets judiciously between equities and fixed income, charting a course that balances growth potential with risk management, while always staying true to your life’s script.

In-depth Research

Every potential stock and bond is then meticulously analyzed, taking a leaf from the detailed inventories maintained in the past, where every asset was scrutinized for its potential risk and return. Our contemporary approach integrates a deep analysis of quality, current valuation, and future outlook, ensuring a robust and fruitful portfolio grounded in fundamental research and foresight.

Diversification and Exposure

As we arrive at the final stage of construction, we draw upon the vast universe of opportunities that the financial landscape offers, creating a relatively stable base of diversified assets. Each security, representing an individual opportunity and risk, is fine-tuned to maintain balance, with a disciplined approach limiting exposure to any single entity to and initial allocation of 2% or less. This strategy, mirroring the diversified crops of an estate, ensures a healthy, risk-mitigated growth.


Our portfolio construction narrative is one enriched with time-honored practices, a journey we have curated meticulously for over 35 years. At Harvest Portfolio Management, we see beyond numbers, envisioning a portfolio that is a living entity, a reflection of your aspirations and a guardian of your financial well-being, a stewardship rooted in history, nurturing your financial growth with a vision that spans generations.